Friday, March 14, 2008

The Baby Boomers....

I've been waiting patiently for someone to say something so absurdly retarded it would provoke another blog. It took a while, but my mother came through in spades for me. It began simply enough. A discussion over coffee, sitting at the kitchen table discussing the reasons why Obama doesn't have the massive amounts of presidential leadership experience Hillary is supposed to have. Mother obviously didn't get the memo, that generally the first lady's input into policy issues is not typically given the kind of weight actually being president gets, with regards to leadership ability that Hillary now demands it be given in her bid to be the new queen of America. I was blessed that morning to hear the typical white baby boomer argument against Obama....He just doesn't have any experience, unlike Hillary. This despite Obama actually having more experience as a legislator than Hillary, and both of them currently serving in the US senate. She's right, the experience difference is staggering.

Next thing I know, Mom drops a laser guided bomb on my face. She says, "Obama is a generation Xer, your generation son, and you guys just haven't ever had to face adversity, you don't know what it's like to be afraid." As you can imagine, I was astounded. I sat there with my eyes wide open, trying to think of non-offensive way to tell my mother to go and jump off a fucking bridge. I asked her if she was serious, she follows up that comment with "you never had to experience anything like the cuban missle crisis, or vietnam." At this point i'm about to set her kitchen on fire, and then I realize...these are some self-important bitches, these Baby Boomers, to stand on their high horse and criticize generation X for their own lack of results.

Let's not forget, this is the generation that railed against authority in the form of their own parents. They preached peace, love, and opposed war as if these perspectives were going to be our collective path to utopia. Then, they assumed control of the democratic burrito, and all that shit went out the window. They bought everything they could afford, and when they couldn't afford it, they borrowed money to buy it. They didn't just do this in their personal lives either, look at the national deficit if you need help understanding their talent for spending money they don't have. These fucking douche bags found it all to easy to criticize their parents for Vietnam, and then they have the fucking balls to turn around and call anyone not blindly preaching how great the war in Iraq is as Un-fucking-patriotic!! Generation X is going to be the first generation in the history, HISTORY, of America to actually do WORSE financially than there parents. Surely, some blame must rest on our shoulders for it, admittedly. However, to listen to a Baby Boomer, they are the only generation that has ever accomplished anything. And just what have they done? Bankrupted a social security system that their parents started, turned our nation from the largest creditor in the world into the largest debtor, and taken the nation through a cold war, and two desert wars (that have been, or will be proven to have been, a waste of time). Health Care sucks I think even they can agree, and this is extremely funny to me as it's their fat asses that will be depending on the system very soon, hysterical!! You can't even afford to drive a new car anymore, or put fucking gas in it, and my god if you want an average home you have to spend a quarter of MILLION dollars. This, while making less money than our parents made at a comparable age!!!! Keep in mind when they were going through this same period of their lives, they made MORE than their parents made. What a fucking joke, and complete disappointment these people have turned out to be.

Here's an idea Baby Boomer pricks, get off of our asses! Someday, really soon you spoiled rotten bitches are going to get your wish, and we are going to take this country away from you. You have demonstrated at every turn that you are to selfish to be trusted with running it. You don't care about this country, only your own pointless self-interest and consumerism. The funny thing is, you want a pat on the back from both your parents, and your children, for the impending fucking disaster you have so graciously created for us. Well, let me be the first to thank you for fucking things up, now get out of the goddamn way you self-centered jag-offs, and get to collecting your social security. After all, you have made certain that you'll be the last group of americans it exists to support. Thanks assholes, you're awesome.

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