Friday, February 29, 2008

Now I've literally seen everything.

Sit back folks, get a cup of coffee, this is going sting. I've been storing up my anger for the better part of a week, just waiting for the republicans to piss me off. They came close several times, but never quite enough to get me to pull the trigger on an entry. Then Bush opened his stupid hole, and...

"No question, we're in a slowdown," the president told reporters in a White House news conference.
"That's why we acted strongly with over $150 billion worth of pro-growth economic incentives," he added, referring to the $170 billion economic stimulus bill he signed into law more than two weeks ago.
"And now it's time to determine whether or not this pro-growth package will actually work."-CNN-From Bush's press conference

Ok, just so I'm straight, we are now in a "slowdown". Is it now customary for the republicans to give the middle class a pitance during every "slowdown"? This is the second time Mr. Brain has done it, and then become the champion of middle class republicans (how the hell is this even possible?) everywhere. Just so everyone understands, the top 5% of earners in america make and hold most of the money. They are very small part of the population, but they are very important and dear to the conservatives, mainly because all of the conservative politicians happen to make this kind of scratch, and subsequently belong to this group of earners.

Now, if you are in control of the government (like they have been the last 6 years or so), and you happen to be in this top 5% demographic what do you do? That's right, you give yourself tax cuts, but you call it tax "relief". Now, by doing this, when the democrats question you about your motives, you can make them sound like bastards that are taxing the poor to inflict punishment. The republicans, in this tale are simply "relieving" poor americans from the oppression of runaway democrat taxation!! You tell the middle class that you love them so much, that they are going to get 3% less taxation every year forever, and ever, amen. You tell them that one day, when they are rich, like you, they will be in that upper 5% level, and that they will get the tax cut you are giving yourself.....4.6%, hallelujah, praise Jesus! Oh, yes, that's right, because they have ALL the money, they need an additional 1.6% more tax "relief" than any other tax paying demographic in america. You see they are burdened with wealth, and it's such a burden that they should get a larger share of the tax "relief". As you might imagine, lopping 1.6% of the tax revenue from the richest 5% of americans, keeping in mind they make more than half the money, might lead to some problems with balancing the budget, and could lead to record deficits (oops). You know what else, get rid of the dividend tax on our investments, and get rid of the estate tax! Yes, bitch, I can see now that you're terribly concerned about us Po'Folk.

Now, add up the money these bastard in the top 5% have been stealing from the middle class the last six years because of the tax "relief" he gave to the rich so they could feed the trust funds of their lazy children, in order to perpetuate the existence of more pathetic George W. Bush, Paris Hilton types. I would say the least this jagoff could do is give us 170 billion back. If the dumb prick hadn't been giving the richest fuckheads in the nation and extra 1.6% of their fucking money back the last 6 years, above what the rest of got, we probably wouldn't need the help.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news folks, most economists are now saying, we are not in a "slowdown", or heading towards a recession, but are actually in the fucking recession right now! Bush's answer, more help for big business. Are you fucking serious? Somebody stop this asshole, it's like watching a train barrel down the tracks, with a retarded child controlling the engine. Of course, we shouldn't expect the leader of our nation to be able to listen to opinions about the economy that disagree with the parallel universe (in which, btw, he can speak directly to Jesus, for policy decisions) he demands is reality. It's is way past time to admit that we all made a mistake. Let me rephrase that, it's time that people who voted for this baffoon admit they made a goddamn mistake. He has the mental flexibility of a terd, and that is being far to generous.

The really sad thing about america is that this nimrod, were he able to run again, would probably win the white house, again! But who cares right, I mean he is giving me 1800 bucks back in May. Yeah, I might retire early!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

What the Hell?!?!?

"Harold Ickes, a 40-year party operative charged with winning over superdelegates for the Clinton campaign, made no apologies on Saturday for the campaign’s convention strategy.
“We’re going to win this nomination,” Ickes said, adding that they would do so soon after the last contest on June 7 in Puerto Rico. “You’re not going to see this go to the convention floor.”
Ickes predicted Clinton and Obama would run “neck and neck” in the remaining states and that there would be a “minuscule amount of difference” between the two in pledged delegates.
But he said superdelegates — who “have a sense of what it takes to get elected” — would determine the outcome and side in larger numbers for Clinton.
Even though averages of head-to-head polls on show Obama beating presumptive GOP nominee John McCain in a general election and Clinton losing, the Clinton camp is stressing the electability argument.
Ickes said superdelegates must “exercise their best judgment” about who can win the White House.
In essence, he argued the party’s 795 superdelegates (Connecticut Independent-Democrat Sen. Joe Lieberman recently was stripped of his superdelegate status) were in a better position to assess electability and suitability for the presidency than party regulars who will attend the national convention in late August as pledged delegates."-by
Saturday, February 16, 2008

So what Mr. Prick is really trying to say is that my vote means shit. This guy just pissed in the face of millions of registered, middle class, democratic voters. The unbridled arrogance of this statement by a spokesperson of the Clinton campaign is astounding. This is the same kind of arrogant presumptuousness that has allowed Bush, and his cronies to assume they know better than anyone else, how to run this country, while not giving a damn what the people have to say about it. You see boys and girls, these enlightened individuals, fortunate enough to emerge into this world from the right vagina into a life of wealth and privilege, know better than you, what is good for you. I have come to expect this sort of condescending attitude from Bush and Chaney. I would've thought a woman that is now holding herself up as the champion of the middle class would prefer not to allow the less brilliant of her flock to make public pronouncements regarding how irrelevant their opinion actually is in selecting a canidate to represent their interests. I would clearly be wrong.

I can say only two things to Mrs. Clinton. First, I didn't vote for you in the primary because you are a bully, and you fight dirty, and I've grown tired of these backhanded, under the table antics. Second, if what you say is true, and the superdelegates will decide this election without regards to the will of the voters, I promise you, I will vote for John Mccain in November. I promise you that I am not the only one in my family that will do the same. I promise that my family and I are not the only democrats that are going to feel this way about you if this is the manner in which you intend to try and steal this election from the voters. I will cross party lines if Clinton wins this primary with the superdelegates deciding, against the voters wishes, who is to represent the democrats in 2008. I promise.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

5 More Young Americans Lost.

You know, I'm so disgusted with my country today. I don't even know what to say about this tragedy at NIU, except that someone should exercise some old school appalachian style, eye for an eye, justice on this psycho's family. Maybe if we all decided to start holding the families of these maniacs responsible for their decisions, it would deter their crazy asses from shooting our sons and daughters. I'm serious, just how many people, crazy or not, would be out there shooting others if they knew that the rest of us would respond by coming for their momma, poppa, brothers, sister, and/or cousins?

Also, I've been thinking, does this prick deserve a burial? Can't we just take his body, put it on the tip of a missile, and shoot the fucking thing out into space? Does this jagbag's remains deserve to be buried here with us? I say no, I say you launch the douchbag, and let the families of the all the victims push the damn button. Maybe i'm just a bit upset, but damn, this shit has got to stop folks.

Anyway, I'm sure this disaster will be followed shortly by an NRA rally in Chicago. Charlton will march in to the windy city proclaiming that we can pry his gun from his cold dead hand. I for one think it's about time someone took his old ass up on the challenge, and go get his goddamn gun. This bastard strolls into every town, just after some idiot decides that his pain justifies the mass murder of innocent people with multiple firearms, and loudly proclaims that it's not the guns that killed the innocent, but the crazy fuck pulling the trigger!! Ya dicklips, we got that, now tell me how you rationalize that pumping a million more guns into the market is going to curb this type of outrageous act of unprovoked violence. Oh ya, I know, if only everyone in the audience had been carrying a weapon, the crazy bastard would have been shot before he could kill anyone, right? My answer to that brilliant butt nugget of Platonic level wisdom is, well, probably not. What the calculating, yet insane, mass murder does in that situation is go chuck norris on our asses, and instead of coming in with the shotgun and Glock, he comes in with a Oozi, AK-47, or some other stupid fuck, useless automatic weapon designed specifically to kill people in large numbers. Nobody, let me repeat this NRA assholes, NOBODY is after your hunting rifles!!! If you want to go out in the woods, in your stupid camouflage outfit, pepper yourself with deer piss, and pretend that you're hunting for deer meat to survive, by all means enjoy this purposeless killing to your little heart's content.

Bottomline, fuck the NRA, the conservative party who accepts lobby and PAC money from them to fund their campaigns, and the assholes that buy guns as a hobby. Most of all, a big fuck you to the murderers and the human failures that spawn these monsters. Your monumental failure as parents and families have cost the lives of to many children of parents that actually do their damn job, and it's high time we start holding you responsible for the actions of the nightmare you unleash upon society.