Sunday, February 17, 2008

What the Hell?!?!?

"Harold Ickes, a 40-year party operative charged with winning over superdelegates for the Clinton campaign, made no apologies on Saturday for the campaign’s convention strategy.
“We’re going to win this nomination,” Ickes said, adding that they would do so soon after the last contest on June 7 in Puerto Rico. “You’re not going to see this go to the convention floor.”
Ickes predicted Clinton and Obama would run “neck and neck” in the remaining states and that there would be a “minuscule amount of difference” between the two in pledged delegates.
But he said superdelegates — who “have a sense of what it takes to get elected” — would determine the outcome and side in larger numbers for Clinton.
Even though averages of head-to-head polls on show Obama beating presumptive GOP nominee John McCain in a general election and Clinton losing, the Clinton camp is stressing the electability argument.
Ickes said superdelegates must “exercise their best judgment” about who can win the White House.
In essence, he argued the party’s 795 superdelegates (Connecticut Independent-Democrat Sen. Joe Lieberman recently was stripped of his superdelegate status) were in a better position to assess electability and suitability for the presidency than party regulars who will attend the national convention in late August as pledged delegates."-by
Saturday, February 16, 2008

So what Mr. Prick is really trying to say is that my vote means shit. This guy just pissed in the face of millions of registered, middle class, democratic voters. The unbridled arrogance of this statement by a spokesperson of the Clinton campaign is astounding. This is the same kind of arrogant presumptuousness that has allowed Bush, and his cronies to assume they know better than anyone else, how to run this country, while not giving a damn what the people have to say about it. You see boys and girls, these enlightened individuals, fortunate enough to emerge into this world from the right vagina into a life of wealth and privilege, know better than you, what is good for you. I have come to expect this sort of condescending attitude from Bush and Chaney. I would've thought a woman that is now holding herself up as the champion of the middle class would prefer not to allow the less brilliant of her flock to make public pronouncements regarding how irrelevant their opinion actually is in selecting a canidate to represent their interests. I would clearly be wrong.

I can say only two things to Mrs. Clinton. First, I didn't vote for you in the primary because you are a bully, and you fight dirty, and I've grown tired of these backhanded, under the table antics. Second, if what you say is true, and the superdelegates will decide this election without regards to the will of the voters, I promise you, I will vote for John Mccain in November. I promise you that I am not the only one in my family that will do the same. I promise that my family and I are not the only democrats that are going to feel this way about you if this is the manner in which you intend to try and steal this election from the voters. I will cross party lines if Clinton wins this primary with the superdelegates deciding, against the voters wishes, who is to represent the democrats in 2008. I promise.

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