Sunday, April 13, 2008

Are we really stupid enough to fall for this???

Hillary Clinton and her surrogates are lunging at Barack Obama over his controversial small-town America comments, attempting to create a flash point with working-class voters potent enough to revive her campaign, with just 10 days until the crucial Pennsylvania primary.
Clinton called Obama’s remarks “elitist,” “demeaning” and “out of touch” Saturday morning, and high-powered supporters followed up by claiming the comments would damage everything from Obama’s credibility to his electability in a general election.
“I found his remarks undercutting his message of hope … he suggests that somehow the faith of those who live in small towns is superficial,” said former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack on a Clinton conference call Saturday with several Pennsylvania mayors who said they were offended by Obama’s comments. The Illinois senator said rural Americans “cling” to issues like religion, guns and anti-immigrant beliefs out of bitterness over lost jobs.
“I think it’s difficult for a Democratic candidate to be successful in a general election if he misreads and misunderstands people who live in small communities,” Vilsack said.-by
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Wow! It takes huge, huge nuggets to point the finger at a black guy and say ELITIST!! Seriously Hill, big balls, huge. But, to really see just how ridiculous it is for the "Hillster" to take this "I'm a blue collar woman" position, lets just look at Hill's background for a moment shall we?

1) Father owned a textile business in Chicago (ie it's not a blue collar background folks when daddy owns the fucking building)

2) Attended Maine East high school in Chicago, which is one of the more affluent areas, even back in the "day" when she was a student there.

3) Attended Wellesley College (ie the most exclusive woman's liberal arts colleges in America)

4) Attended Yale for law school (not to shabby for a working class girl huh?)

5) Laywer

6) First Lady of Arkansas

7) First Lady of the United States (2 term, this is where she garned the leadership skills that she claims Obama lacks)

8) US Senator (of course winning this New York seat had nothing to do with the fact that her husband had been the President)

Now, review the above, and tell me again exactly what in that laundry list of her life would NOT be considered white collar, privilege, and ELITE? I certainly wouldn't presume to speak for the non-elite of america, but to me that sounds awfully ELITE. I mean, I can't afford to send my daughter to Wellesley, or Yale for law school. So, what are the chances that she'll marry a future US president, if I can't afford to get her to these types of schools where men with wealthy and powerful fathers have payed handsomely to send there underachieving sons to waste 4 years of their lives.

All I mean here is that we as a group of voting americans are surely smart enough to call a spade, a fucking spade. Surely we are wise enough to call bullshit when this ass clown throws a steaming pile of it in our faces, right? Well, I'd like to think so, but inevitably, the polls will come out this week, and for some reason Obama will lose ground because of this, and so what? Who cares? I certainly don't. This race is over, and has been over, but Hillary is just praying that Obama will just implode. This is really rather pathetic considering the proud white collar background, and pricey educations that the Senator represents.

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